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Kim Hawk (President Meadow Park 2019-2020): All through the year, Kim was on the go, taking care of every little need that Meadow Park had. Stepping in to all the shoes that fell short or adding additional beauty to the shoes that were already there. Always positive with an attitude of making it happen! Nothing was too difficult in her eyes. Thinking out of the box and finding solutions to every problem. Kim was instant with your communication responses every minute of the day. A great leader and a wonderful listener. She was an integral part in revising the bylaws for the school. Kim was always open to reinventing the wheel to make processes smoother and more effective. We sincerely thank you for all your contributions to the school, the staff and the students.
Leslie Seward, a Meadow Park parent since 2015, served in multiple roles on the PTO, including as President. She was an original organizer of the Jog-a-Thon, which greatly increased fundraising efforts. She provided leadership by chairing the Play-a-Thon and band parades, organized staff breakfasts and conference meals, taught Art Lit lessons to students, helped students and staff weekly by serving in the school cafeteria (which also earns the PTO money) and helped raise funds and plan for two Eighth Grade Send Off parties. She served as Webmaster and stepped into any role that needed someone to get the job done!
Leslie's enthusiasm for and commitment to Meadow Park and its PTO will have lasting effects for years to come and she will be greatly missed! |